
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Why we drive.

Why we drive.

Driving is more than just hobby - for most of us it is a passion.

It combines style, technology, culture and the experience of nature like few other activities in life. But this activity is more and more under threat. As a hobby it is considered immoral - the idea to use fossile fuels is a sacrilege even more so if it is out of pleasure and not mobility necessity.

Think of those who critique drivers what you want - but the fact is that society is changing. More and more young people chose other things over car ownership and some don’t even get their drivers licence. - Driving itself has to change as well, otherwise it will be outlawed as some governments have already banned the sale of internal combustion cars in the near future (like Norway by 2025)

So the question is, in which ways could driving change to make it more socially accepted?

Purpose of this blog is to find answers to the question.